What is it used for?

The Self-service sub-panel allows to enable additional network security feature by unauthorized external users. An example is a person who, despite not being a structure guest, tries to use its Internet connection. 
The "Self-service protection" feature allows to eliminate this risk, by activating the request for a pre-authentication required to access the location network.

Self-Service Settings Management

The tools available for the Self-Service settings are two, namely:
  • Self-service Protection: allows to enable or disable the security feature. To complete this operation, just click "On/Off" in "Self-service protection status" and set the status you want.
  • Password protection: is the tool that allows to set and change the password protection. By clicking the "Edit" button, it will appear a screen where you can enter a new password. Once the settings have been changed, just click the "Save" button to apply the changes.

N.B. Next to the "Self-Service Password" command, the current password you set appears as a reminder. This feature is useful to prevent the loss of the password by the administrator and/or any other operators.